Job description
Under the supervision of the Australia Pacific Office Director, with a focus on in Australia and Asia-Pacific countries, your key responsibilities will include:
- Developing and maintaining a detailed understanding of energy and climate policy in Australia and Asia-Pacific countries.
- Drafting reports and analyses of climate and energy policy issues in Australia and Asia-Pacific countries, including responses to media and stakeholder requests.
- Tracking, analysing and assessing climate and energy policy and data for Australia (national and state based), and Asia-Pacific countries and fossil fuel-intensive projects within Australia and the region, including greenhouse gas and energy statistics and projections.
- Collecting and analysing energy market data research in Australia, and Asia-Pacific countries.
- Analysing interlinkages between climate and energy policy.
- Using and developing further energy system modelling tools to develop 1.5oC aligned country and regional level decarbonisation pathways.
- Analysing policy implications from energy system data and modelling and data analysis.
- Supporting development of energy system models by providing relevant data and context.
- Researching best practice climate policy and developing policy recommendations
- Supporting the development of proposals.